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We at A Bum Rap are also members of other international anal cancer support organizations and our aim is to offer help, support & advice to whoever may need it-wherever you may be in the world.



Ottawa, Canada

I was diagnosed with stage 1 anal squamous cell carcinoma just above the ano-rectal junction in January 2010 when I was 43 years old.

I underwent surgery (Dr Robin Boushey, ColoRectal Surgen) and then combination chemo-radiation (Dr Jonkers & Dr El-Sayed (and now Dr Kris Dennis)) at The Ottawa Hospital-General Campus/Irving Greenberg Centre.

I do not have a colostomy bag.

Currently, I am considered N.E.D (no evidence of disease) and continue to see my medical professionals, which include my colo-rectal surgeon, my radiation oncologist and my gynaecologist on a yearly basis

I was officially discharged from the care of my Colo-Rectal Surgeon October 2013 & radiation oncologist Sept 2014 but went back seeing my Colo-Rectal surgeon annually for DARE, Anoscope &/or FlexSig as of 2016 and my radiation oncologist in 2020 (they are interested in long term skin effects post pelvic radiation)


I am the Founder/CEO of Anal Cancer-A Bum Rap.

I am an admin for the Facebook page ANALCANCER-ABUMRAP.

I am an admin/moderator for the Facebook based Anal Cancer Chat, Anal Cancer Clinical Trials & Anal Cancer Men groups and some others

I am a member of IANS (International Anal Neoplasia Society).

I am an international advocate for Anal Cancer Awareness, Pelvic Radiation Disease Awareness...especially in relation to sexual function....and AIN (Anal Intraepithelial Neoplasia) screening in Ottawa, Canada.

I am a patient advocate & attend Colo-Rectal-Anal cancer related conferences whenever I can.

I volunteered with the Colo-Rectal Cancer Association of Canada.

Find me on X (formerly Twitter) @ABumRap


I know MANY other Anal Cancer patients...male and female... who are willing to help YOU.....please reach out to us for help.

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